Keenan and family--Daphne included!-- took their second road trip together, down to the southern tip of North Carolina to visit Grammy and Pop near the beach in Southport. Keen spent two quality days at the beach--the first of which he napped away (Not even a first-time beach-goer can resist napping under a shady umbrella with the relaxing sound of crashing waves!). He got to wear some super-cool color-coordinated new beach duds and to dip his feet in the warm ocean water. Thanks to Auntie Jen for Keen's jungle bathing suit, and to Margie and the Schiffners for his stylin' hat! Keenan was definitely the hippest mini-dude on the beach.
"My future's so bright..."

"Okay, I'll smile as long as you fix my hat."

"I don't see any squirrels, but these sand crabs look delicious."