We reported on Keenan's newfound spitting talent a few weeks ago. He has now taken it to the next level--spitting FOOD. You can only imagine how proud his mom is of him. He even seems to prefer the enjoyment of spitting and seeing his mom's not-so-thrilled reaction over the enjoyment of tasting food and having a full belly. Mom and Dad hope this is a very sort stage in his development!
Another "habit" Keenan has developed is rolling onto his belly in the middle of the night. Now, he's past the main window for SIDS risk, so this really shouldn't be a big deal at all. However, he rolls on his belly and than screams and wails until someone comes in and flips him back over. We know, as well as he knows, he's perfectly capable of doing it himself. . .last night, mom or dad had to make at least 3 trips into his room to flip him over like a pancake. Again, we're hoping this is a very short stage!