In this little clip, Keenan is reading "Halloween Jack" and mimicking Victor the Vampire's "Ah Ah Ah" laugh. Yes, his favorite book just happens to be Halloween-themed. . .which means it's Halloween everyday at the Ulrich abode.
Last weekend was unabashedly warm for early March. It was such an unfair tease for those of us experiencing the winter blues. Despite the now return to coldness, we did take advantage of the weather and met the cousins at the park. Here's Keen getting a good push on the swing from cousin Zack and Aunt Kristin, with cousin Ally sailing high nearby. Please excuse Keen's too-short and non-stylin' pants. . .he "messed" his good ones at lunch, so we had to change him.
Keenan has discovered how to stack and build things now. His hands and fingers are strong and steady, and he uses them for all kinds of off-limits activities--hanging from the stove, throwing food, playing in the garbage can, flushing the toilet, throwing food, messing with the dog dishes, throwing food, etc. Here he is using those nimble fingers for good.
And, here's a video from a few weeks ago. . .Keen's first day really taking steps. He still doesn't really walk, though he is quite capable. It's just more convenient and speedy for him to crawl. For that reason, we have instituted walking practice every night, where we pass the little man back and forth, as in this little snippet.
Lastly, who doesn't love a mini-man in a cowboy hat?