Our little boy has found his smile and loves to share it with us every morning. In the evenings, he opts instead to show off his blood-curdling screams. . .but in this blog, we focus on the positive, so here are some pics of a smiling, playful guy and a more serious pose after just returning from a nature walk with mom.
Keenan had his two-month doctor's appointment, and he is growing like a weed. He now weighs 12 pounds and is 23.5 inches long, putting him in the 60th and 75th percentile ranges for other baby boys his age (up from 20% at 2 weeks!). Needless to say, we've never worried about our little piggy's appetite.
You and your dad have got to start "manning up". Those rabbit ears are cute, but..... Watch out or Mom will be signing you up for ballet lessons. Think mud pies and grass stains and....
Love, Pop
Keenan -
Love that smile and those rabbit ears make for a very handsome bunny baby (don't pay any attention to pop)! You and mom look very cool in your hiking gear. Can't wait to see you!
Love, Grammy
Oh my goodness, he's so adorable!! I cannot wait to meet him!
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