Keenan just had his 3-month birthday and he's becoming more and more aware of himself. . .especially his hands. He loves to snap his lips loudly again his fists as a signal to mom that he wants to be fed pronto, or else a meltdown is impending. He can also whip his head around, darting his eyes here and there, and follows whatever piques his interest around him. His smiles get bigger by the day, and his coos are beginning to sound like he's actually trying to say something. He's a great nighttime sleeper and seems to really like his crib--especially the bunny rabbit that circles above him in his mobile. And, he has recently decided that he does not approve of dirty diapers and screams until he gets changed. At least he rewards the diaper changer with smiles and coos as soon as his butt is clean!

What a cute little bottom! Can't wait to see him again! Claire
Oh my goodness he looks bigger already!!
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