Ben and I, rather spontaneously, decided we needed to take one last big vacation before PadThai makes his/her entrance into our lives.
And what could be a better vacation for a 4.5-month pregnant lady than spending a week in a place that requires lots of hiking in an altitude over 7,000 feet? So, off to Wyoming we went, where we split our days between Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone, and Big Sky, Montana.
We were lucky to have my great college pal and "uber-Jackson-tourguide," Jenny, show us all the good hotspots for shopping, eating, hiking, eating, seeing art, and eating in and around Jackson and the Tetons. I fully blame Jenny for the 3-4 pounds I picked up over the week. . .and PadThai thanks her from the bottom of his tiny tummy. Ben thanks Jenny for helping him eat a record number of meats in 48 hours. . .we think he managed six in a weekend.
I noticed rather quickly that pregnancy truly can slow a gal down. True hiking (the kind where you actually increase your elevation!) kicked my sorry, out-of-breath butt. I was in good hands, however--Watchguards Ben and Jenny made sure there was no chance of over-exertion, insisting that I always be able to carry on a conversation, no matter how inane, and drink plenty of water.
Although we didn't know PadThai was a boy while on vacation, I think we had a pretty strong hunch. . .a hunch which led us to purchase several "boy" things that we persuaded ourselves could be girly. . .but really, they aren't. "Moose" pillows, big stuffed brown bears, and a green "I Moose be dreaming" onesie will adorn PadThai's room and tiny body. Daddy Ben is set on making this boy an outdoorsy cowboy...Mom Lori is not so sure about the "cowboy" part.
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