After waffling back and forth about whether to find out the gender, a) today during our 20 week sonogram, b) have them write it down on a piece of paper, or c) something more elaborate like waiting until Christmas, we went with the fastest results -- just tell us!
It didn't take long for the technician to declare the results - PadThai is a BOY! We hope you don't think we're awful parents for sharing this photo of PadThai's boyness, but we wanted to show you definitive proof. . .that's two butt cheeks and his main boy part.
As the father, I am obviously excited since I know boys pretty well. Of course, when we have a daughter, this one can be the protective older brother. He will also be able to rough-house with his cousin Zack, who as Lori mentioned, was born just last week on September 18th. They'll be about 5 months apart in age. Will my niece Ally be up for the babysitting challenge of two boys?
All the other measurements and ratios of PadThai and Lori were completely normal, so we're very happy and can move on to the critical issues of nursery renovations, paint colors, etc.
In the race to publish good news you should know . . .Grandma was the winner!!
Well looks like somebody got the family jewels! :) So excited for you guys ... too bad long distance dating is so tough because I have a feeling these 2 will hit it off! Perhaps they will reconnect at Cornell some day ;) Keep up the blogging! Ours is lacking lately. -Court and Brett
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